Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Gifts for my Girls' Teachers

I know that I have mentioned before how Thankful I am for the Teacher's that my daughter's have had. I can only hope that they continue to have GREAT Teacher's in the coming years and that my younger two also
have Wonderful Teacher's when they start!

I always feel like I don't do enough to show them how much I appreciate what they do for my children.
I know this wasn't much, but M and T took their Teacher's a jar of M&M's with a poem and a bag of Santa Chow.

My friend Tina over at Mommy's Kitchen was the one who gave me the M&M idea. She directed me over to this site that had the poem that I included on the jars!

Green is for the inspiration you give to me each day.
Blue is for your patience in showing me the way.
Orange is for your warmth and caring smile.
Yellow is for the way you can always make me smile.
              Red is for my life that you have touched this year.             
You’re a very special teacher just like this jar, that’s clear!
You place knowledge in your children’s hands and
melt into their hearts and lives forever.
You’re a “Magnificent” and “Marvelous” teacher!
Thank you for being my M&M!

Thank you Teachers for EVERYTHING you do!!!


Amanda Butts said...

I feel like I comment an awful lot on your blog...BUT I loved the M&M poem. So much that I teared up when T gave it to me. I am blessed to have her in my class. You do SO much to show how appreciative you are. Thanks for all you do! And the Santa Chow, loved it! How did you make the Santa's hat ones?

Jess said...

I LOVE all of the 'comment love' you give!!
Thanks for being such a GREAT TEACHER!!
Have fun making the Santa Hats at your parents!!